Dental tourism in Colombia

In this article we will explain what dental tourism is, what are the advantages of doing it in Colombia and how you can convince yourself to come to this beautiful country to perform procedures such as dental implants, smile design and periodontics.

5/24/20232 min read

Dental tourism in Colombia:

An attractive and affordable option

Would you like to improve your smile and at the same time enjoy an unforgettable trip? If so, dental tourism in Colombia may be the ideal option for you. In this article we will explain what dental tourism is, what are the advantages of doing it in Colombia and how you can convince yourself to come to this beautiful country to perform procedures such as dental implants, smile design and periodontics.

What is dental tourism?

Dental tourism is a modality of health tourism that consists of traveling to another country to receive quality dental treatments at lower prices than in the country of origin. This practice has become very popular in recent years due to the high cost of dentistry in countries such as the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom, where a dental implant can cost between 3,000 and 5,000 dollars.

Patients who opt for dental tourism not only seek to save money, but also take advantage of their trip to learn about the culture, gastronomy, nature and history of the destination country. Thus, they can combine health and pleasure in a single experience.

Why do dental tourism in Colombia?

Colombia has become one of the most coveted destinations for dental tourism in the world. This is due to several reasons, among which stand out:

  • The quality of professionals and dental services. Colombia has highly trained and updated dentists, many of them with international training and certification. In addition, dental clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and comply with the highest standards of biosafety and hygiene.

  • The price of dental treatments. Colombia offers very competitive and affordable prices for foreign patients, thanks to the favorable exchange rate and the low cost of living in the country. According to some studies, patients can save up to 60% on dental treatments compared to North America and Europe, or even more depending on the procedure.

  • The variety of dental treatments available. In Colombia you can perform all kinds of dental procedures, from the most basic ones such as cleanings or cavities, to the most complex and specialized ones such as dental implants, smile design, periodontics, endodontics, invisible orthodontics, dental aesthetics and more.

  • The beauty of the country and its tourist attractions. Colombia is a diverse and rich country in culture, nature and history. Patients who come to do dental tourism can enjoy its varied landscapes, from paradisiacal beaches to snowy mountains, through tropical jungles and deserts. They can also learn about its historical and cultural heritage, its typical gastronomy and its friendly and hospitable people.